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As the temperatures get hotter in Scottsdale, you will want to consider how your brows will keep up with heat. You might use pencils and powders to achieve a fuller, more shapely brow, but just how well do these makeup products stand up to the blazing summer heat here in Arizona? Our team of health and beauty experts is here to assist you in achieving your beauty goals so that you can look and feel amazing all year long. Today, let’s take a look at some of the top reasons to consider eyebrow microblading this spring to give your brow game some umph for summer.
With summer approaching, and the temperatures already skyrocketing here in Scottsdale, you’ll want to be looking and feeling your best for all of your summertime adventures. Here at Vibe, we have several summer-worthy med spa treatments to enhance your natural beauty, tighten up those loose areas on your body you’d like to address, and give you an overall beauty boost for summer. Today, let’s look at five med spa treatments to boost your summer-ready body.
Summer is officially here! Now that the temperatures here in Scottsdale are skyrocketing to more than 100 degrees, you will probably want to spend time cooling off by the pool and wearing as little clothing as possible to beat the heat. But for many people who are self-conscious about their appearance because of natural imperfections such as wrinkles, fine lines, cellulite, thinning eyebrows, and more, they may feel uncomfortable donning shorts, skirts, and bathing suits. Today, let’s explore three more med spa treatments to try this summer to give you a summer-ready body that you will love.
When your eyebrows are too thin, misshaped, or nonexistent, these features are altered. While there a number of pencil liners, powders, and brow gels that promise natural colors, long-lasting wear, and precision applications, the truth is, these simply don’t compare to the results from microblading. Learn more about this treatment here!
There are many reasons why you should try microblading to achieve fuller, shapelier eyebrows. Not only is this procedure relatively painless, there is very little downtime after undergoing your microblading procedure, and you can finally get the natural-looking brows you have longed for. Today, let’s look at a few more reasons why you should consider having your eyebrows microbladed.
While there are a myriad of skin care treatments available that target specific problems, one med spa treatment offers a solution for multiple skin concerns. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggests that IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) photofacial laser treatments are one of the most effective non-surgical options for treating pigmentation problems. Today, the laser therapy specialists at Vibe MedSpas will share with you five reasons why you should consider getting this breakthrough therapy.


Advanced Aesthetics
There is a resolution, however, that is neglected at New Years' and oftentimes the rest of the year: skincare.